African schoolchildren

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Delivering a future of possibilities - one book at a time

"Books are a vital human right...there's no proper literacy without them, and no proper freedom without literacy." Joseph O'Reilly

Books educate and inspire young minds, but throughout schools in Africa, books are in critical short supply. In particular, picture books and early learning story books are unheard of in many schools.

Many children never experience the pleasure of reading a book together in a class, of looking at the pictures and words to follow a story, or of relating with the teacher afterwards what the story is about. As a result, many children don't develop a real love for reading, their thirst for knowledge is frustrated, and a child's imagination and aspirations are not given the same potential to develop and grow.

Pelican Post is an exciting new postal service that allows you to make a direct contribution to stimulating a culture of reading in an African school. 

By donating as little as £2.50 to effectively post a book you will be directly contributing to standards of literacy and education in that school. You will be inspiring a child's imagination, and they will be experiencing that reading is fun:

Feedback from some of the schools participating in the scheme:

"We have just received two copies of Stories from Africa which is an enormous hit and I am tickled pink with it.  If we get more copies of that we could use it in class."

"I am very glad to inform you we have just received some books.  The quality is excellent and I can see the chlldren enjoying their reading lessons with such books"

Books create literacy, which creates opportunity and a brighter future. With your help we can make a real difference in raising literacy, hope and imagination for an innumerable number of children.

Thank you.

Make a donation using Virgin Money Giving